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Who A Contented Man Is

Who A Contented Man Is

Once upon a time, a nobleman built a grand house. ON the front of the gate he wrote the words, “This house is to be given to the first man who can prove that he is contented.” One day a stranger knocked at the gate and desired to speak to the nobleman about the house. The nobleman met the stranger and wanted to know his desire. The stranger then said that he had come to claim the house because he was contented. 

contented man

The stranger said that actually, it was his nature to be contented whenever he found anything after his hope of expectation. The nobleman then said to him. “Do you know who a contented man is? He who is happy with what he has and doesn’t want to get anything more is a contented man. And if you were a contented man, you wouldn’t come to have this house, “Hearing this, the stranger felt ashamed and left the place with a broken heart. Thus the nobleman taught every stranger. Learn more philosophy

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