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Our Country

Our Country:

About 160 one sixty million people live in this country. Its area is 1, 47,570 square.km. It is not a rich country. It is a developing country. The per capita of the people is about 1200 dollars. The name of the capital is Dhaka. It is a big city. It is one of the biggest cities in the world. It is a megacity. The other major cities are Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Sylhet, etc. Most of the people live in the village. It is about 75%. The literacy rate is about 60%. Bangladesh became independent in 1971. Before that, it was under Pakistan. In the name of East Pakistan. And before 1947, it was under British rule in the name of East Bangle. Now we are a free nation but we are not free from all respect. We are not free from poverty, we are not free from illiteracy and we are not free from corruption. So, we have to go a long way to be free from all these.

bangladesh flag
Flag of Bangladesh
  1. Name of Bangladesh.
  2. Capital: Dhaka.
  3. Area: 1, 47,570 square. Km.
  4. Population: 160 million.
  5. Situation/Location: South Asia.
  6. Major cities: Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal etc.
  7. Literacy rate: about 60%.
  8. Per-Capita: About 1200 dollars.
  9. Independence: 1971.
  10. Earlier names: East Pakistan and East Bangle.
  11. Village/rural population: About 75%.
  12. Major problems: Poverty, Illiteracy, Corruption and Injustice.
  13. Urban population: About 25%.
  14. Illiteracy rate: About 40%.

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