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Achievement of science

Achievement of science

This lesson talks about some of the greatest scientific achievements of the last 50 years. The achievements of science of the last 50 years are many, such as the artificial heart, cell phone, personal computer, first communication satellite, landing on the moon, internet, and microchip.
In the last few decades, we have made amazing scientific advances. The artificial heart is one of the greatest inventions of science. It was 3 designed by Robert Jarvis. Another amazing invention of science is the cell phone. Today more than 100 million people in Bangladesh and more than 4.6 billion people worldwide have mobile phones.

The personal computer is another type of amazing invention of science. It has become available to consumers in 1974. The first communications satellite is another type of invention of science.
Satellite communications came into being on 10 July 1962. Landing on the moon is an epoch-making event of history. In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to land on the moon. The first internet, the ARPANET was invented in 1969. The microchip is another wonderful invention of science. Learn more science

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